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About Tanner

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"See A Need And Fill It"

The I Love Us Project was created in memory of our son Tanner Kem Poulson who believed we all had the ability to make a difference in the lives of others. Tanner was a Behavior Analyst working with mentally challenged individuals and he absolutely loved his clients. You often found him taking his clients to the movies, out on walks, building LEGO, metal detecting, or out to dinner. To him, these individuals were no different than you or I and deserved to be happy! Tanner also served on a Human Rights Committee fighting for the rights of these people he loved so much. Tanner was very soft spoken and gentle but his actions were loud and powerful!

Tanner was also a very talented Lego artist, designing and creating his own LEGO mosaic masterpieces and selling his designs online. He was recognized internationally in WOW Magazine for his creative talent just a few days after his passing. LEGO was truly his passion from a very young age and this passion began to rub off on his family. He would spend hours with his nieces and nephews building the newest sets he had acquired and he absolutely loved every minute of it!

Tanner didn't just love his family or his friends or the mentally challenged individuals that he worked with...he truly loved everyone! His goal in life was 'To See A Need and Fill It' regardless of who you might be! There were many times he shared this dream with his mother and expressed how he planned to make it happen. He began taking opportunities to talk to people and listening to their struggles. When he was able he would give what he could to lighten their burden. This brought him sooooo much joy!

Unfortunately, Tanner's life ended too soon before he was able to fully realize the fulfillment of his dream. So in his memory, the I Love Us Project was started. The project began on Valentines Day - two days after his passing - when one of Tanner's Facebook memories popped up. He had posted a picture of his family with the words "I Love Us". Those 3 simple words summed up Tanner's life. He truly loved US...meaning you, me and everyone else he ever had the pleasure of meeting. We knew Tanner would want us to continue sharing his love with the world. So we began at his funeral by requesting small, simple LEGO kits in lieu of flowers to be donated to those clients he loved so much. Over the next few months we were able to donate over $6000 worth of LEGO products to his clients and organizations working with mentally challenged individuals. The pictures shared with us showed such happiness on the faces of these special people as they received these gifts, and we know that Tanner was smiling ear to ear as well! But this project was just the start!  We want to fulfill Tanners ultimate dream of 'See A Need And Fill It'!


We invite you to take part as we spread Tanner's mission across the Globe!  Please visit our links to find ways you can help support the I Love Us Project.  Every little bit helps bring a smile to someone less fortunate!

Thank you!
The Poulson Family


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